Young Boy Adopts the Oldest Unwanted Dog from a Shelter, Bringing Happiness to Him Until His Final Days

 Nobody understands how some individuals can uproot and abandon their animals. This family moved away, leaving their dog, Shey, with the Animal Rescue League of Iowa.

The 14-year-old miniature poodle patiently awaited adoption for the following four months despite being nearly toothless, partially blind, and deaf.

However, Tristan, a little lad, was unconcerned with all of that. When the young child arrived at the shelter, he requested a cuddly puppy. He was introduced to Shey by the shelter staff, who is quite affectionate.

Tristan was also informed that the dog requires special care due to his condition. Tristan then made the decision to adopt Shey after realizing that he could care for him.

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6 Most Common Cat Health Problems

Cats are good at self-maintenance. But even your fastidious feline can’t prevent some of these more common cat diseases and health issues.

1. Vomiting

Vomiting is a very common problem with cats with a multitude of causes. They range from eating something poisonous or inedible (like string), to infection, urinary tract disease, or diabetes to hairballs.

2. Feline Lower Urinary Tract Diseases (FLUTD)

TSome estimates say as many as 3% of cats seen by vets have feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD), which is actually a group of feline diseases with multiple causes.

List bellow:

Drinking more

Straining to urinate

Bloody urine

Urinating in unusual places

Crying when urinating

Licking around the urinary area (often because of pain)

3. Fleas

Fleas are a very common external feline health problem. But it’s one you can easily treat. Signs your cat has fleas include:

Flea dirt on its skin (they look like tiny black dots)

Constant scratching

Frequent licking

Red or irritated skin

Hair loss

Skin infections or hot spots

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