Imagine dressing up in a tuxedo just to be rejected at the last minute. Unfortunately, a cute dog wearing a tuxedo also perished. The day before he was meant to be picked up, Vicente’s new “owners” called to cancel his adoption when he was all suited up and prepared to go to his new home.
A non-profit organization in La Calera, Colombia called Fundacion Rescatame was where the cute dog was scheduled to be adopted. After Vicente was declined on adoption day, the rescue posted heartbreaking pictures of him on their Facebook page on September 9.
According to the story, “Vicente’s supposed adoptive never come for him.” He called off his adoption after he was cleaned up and prepared for a home. They then ask why we are treating the process so harshly, and we respond that it is due of this! We don’t want to worry about how to care for our animal friends for the rest of their lives. Remember that adopting a dog is a long-term commitment; you can’t just get rid of an animal when you decide you no longer want it.
However, before you cry too much for the cute dog, remember that this story has a happy ending. Over 3,000 people shared the tweet on social media, which caused quite a fuss. The rescue received several requests to adopt Vicente very quickly.
He was taken up by a forever family a few days later who seemed to really love and appreciate their new pet. The new family even announced their adoption of the cute little dog by releasing fresh photos of him.

While the organization still has 40 other dogs out for adoption, Vicente has found a loving, permanent home. The efforts of the rescue this year have resulted in the rehoming of almost 200 pets. They describe themselves as a “non-profit organisation that supports the fight against animal cruelty, as well as the rescue, protection, and care of abandoned animals” on their Facebook page.
Additionally, they said that their mission is to assist all animals, irrespective of their breed, age, or gender. Because they think all animals should be given a second opportunity.
6 Most Common Cat Health Problems
Cats are good at self-maintenance. But even your fastidious feline can’t prevent some of these more common cat diseases and health issues.
1. Vomiting
Vomiting is a very common problem with cats with a multitude of causes. They range from eating something poisonous or inedible (like string), to infection, urinary tract disease, or diabetes to hairballs.
2. Feline Lower Urinary Tract Diseases (FLUTD)
TSome estimates say as many as 3% of cats seen by vets have feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD), which is actually a group of feline diseases with multiple causes.
List bellow:
Drinking more
Straining to urinate
Bloody urine
Urinating in unusual places
Crying when urinating
Licking around the urinary area (often because of pain)
3. Fleas
Fleas are a very common external feline health problem. But it’s one you can easily treat. Signs your cat has fleas include:
Flea dirt on its skin (they look like tiny black dots)
Constant scratching
Frequent licking
Red or irritated skin
Hair loss
Skin infections or hot spots
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